Dé Luain | Dé Máirt | Dé Céadaoin | Déardaoin | Dé hAoine | |
09:00-09:30 Spórt | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube |
09:30-09:45 | sos | sos | sos | sos | sos |
09:45-10:45 | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Scrúdú litriú agus táblaí Work it out Friday test |
10:45-11:00 | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr |
11:00-12:00 | RTÉ scoil/ School hub on tv or RTE player. | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil |
12:00-12:30 Obair cruthaitheach | Harry Potter at home web site*- Knit your own Weasley inspired scarf | Harry Potter web site- re-create the magic of the Maurauder’s map | Wizard gift bags | Knit your own Weasley inspired scarf | Mindfulness colouring |
12:30-1:00 | Lón/Lunch Éist le David Walliams elevenses** | Lón Éist le David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le David Walliams elevenses |
1:00-3:00 Obair acadúil | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile |
3:00-4:00 | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán |
Roimh am luí | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte |
*www.harrypotterathome.com You can find all of the art activities on this web-site. There are helpful videos explaining how to do the activities. The children might enjoy playing around on the site having a house chosen for them and so on.
** https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ If the children enjoy these audio stories you can join amazon audios for free for a 30 day trial and listen to more of his stories for free. Tá go leor scéalta Gaeilge ar líne freisin. https://soundcloud.com/forasnagaeilge?fbclid=IwAR0UokvMma4GV2VXiLyPbKvVvCGHbf-ZkljLTzzxBgqHQglHErnbD8eXras Tá na leabhair ar léigh siad liom sa rang le clóisteáil ar seo. Mar shampla ‘An leaba sciathánach’ agus ‘An nathair agus na spéaclaí’.
Cheap mé go raibh leathanach facebook An Gúm go maith agus tá ár múinteoir Aoife féin ar youtube ag léamh cúpla scéal Gaeilge.
*** Yoga le Ciarán you can find this by searching on you tube for yoga le Ciarán
Obair bhaile
Beidh an obair bhaile agus an scrúdú litriú le ceartú ag na tuistí.
Spellbound week 30
Bunlitriú seachtain 30
Léitheoireacht Gaeilge– ‘Stair mórthimpeall orainn’, Léigh lth 58-61 agus ‘Stair mórthimpeall orainn’ lth 62-64 Siúcra agus spíosraí.
Léitheoireacht Béarla– www.oxfordowl.co.uk simply register as a parent and then select the child’s age and have your child choose an ebook to read.
Tionscadal bunaithe ar leictreachas roimh an 30ú Aibreáin. Is féidir é a sheoladh chugam nó is féidir é a thabhairt ar scoil tar éis an briseadh.
Abairtí Gaeilge le scríobh gach lá ag úsáid na litriú ó ‘Bunlitriú’.
Work it out– week 30 agus an Friday test ar an Aoine.
Táblaí- roinnt/division 9, 10, 11 agus 12.
Beidh scrúdú litriú agus táblaí ar an Aoine.
Obair acadúil sna leabhair oibre
Is féidir libh an obair mata a ceartú, ach gach rud eile tá mé lán sásta é a ceartú má sheolann tú é dom mar ríomhphoist. It might be best if you correct the maths yourself as it might be difficult to email the maths work. I can correct everything else by e-mail.
Mata: ‘Mata beo’,- Airgead lth 59- 63 leathanach amháin gach lá
Gaeilge: ‘Graiméar le chéile’, Ag siopadóireacht lth 20- 24 leathanach amháin gach lá
Pioc rud amháin gach lá; Éist le scéal Gaeilge ar líne, Léigh leabhair Gaeilge nó féach ar chlár teilifíse i nGaeilge ar Cúla4.
Béarla: ‘A way with words’, page 34, 35 and 37. Read the story answer the questions about the story in you copy book and learn about writing in paragraphs.
Harry Potter at home web site… Try some of the word searches. Make your own scrape book of Harry Potter characters
Please see attached creative writing pack from last week choose an activity you would like to try or work on characters.
Stair: ‘Stair mórthimpeall orm’, lth 58-61 Na hAstacaigh freagair na ceist ar lth 59 Smaoinigh tamall.
Eolaíocht agus OSPS ‘Timpeall an Domhain’ lth 34 -35 Saol Sláintiúil
Tíreolaíocht ‘Timpeal an Domhain’ lth 114-115 agus 120- 121 Peiriú
Weaving wellbeing: Pages 16, 17and 18. Random Acts of Kindness. Please read the notes for the parents on the parental pull out in the centre of the book.
Drámaíocht: Have your parent time you while you speak about a topic of choice (maybe electricity) for 2 minutes. Can you stay on topic for the full two minutes?
Ceol: An feadóg stáin 10 nóiméad gach lá. They have handouts from the music teacher in school. There are a lot of lessons on you tube teaching the basics. B’fhéidir féach ar WWW.OAIM.IE

Císte Kate Pictiúr Kate Arán Kate Ealaíon Kate Brat Thomáis Ealaíon Isobel