Tá sos tuilte ag gach duine 😊 Ní bheidh aon obair ag dul abahile don Luan toisc an saoire banc.
I understand that every family’s experience of this time is different, and some families can cope well with completing the school work and others are struggling for a variety of reasons.
Seo liosta den laghad oibre gur chóir daoibh a dhéanamh, más féidir.
Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if your circumstances mean that this isn’t possible. I will think of something to help if I can.
- Weaving well-being
- Léitheoireacht Gaeilge agus Béarla gach lá
- Táblaí gach lá
- Brainteasers daily
- Scríbhneoireacht Béarla nó Gaeilge gach lá fiú cúpla líne. Write something everyday even just a few sentences. It could be a diary entry, news, sentences with the spellings, a letter to a loved one.
- Exercise daily
Seo an obair son seachtain. Please only do what you and your child can. There is no pressure from me or from the school to complete everything. Your child’s well being is what is most important (And your own 😊) So please only take from this what you want. The children will be fine. This is only temporary and we will get back on track quickly when we return to school.
Dé Máirt | Dé Céadaoin | Déardaoin | Dé hAoine | |
09:00-09:30 Spórt | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube |
09:30-09:45 | sos | sos | sos | sos |
09:45-10:45 | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Scrúdú litriú agus táblaí |
10:45-11:00 | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr |
11:00-12:00 | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil |
12:00-12:30 Dear, déan agus déan turgnamh Design, make and experiment | Féach ar an fís youtube.com/watch?v=kBmy-Aelzp0 (number 0 not letter) Bailigh an trealamh atá ag teastáil chun oigheann gréine a dhéanamh. | Déan an oigheann gréine. | Líníocht/ drawing Seachmall radhairc/ optical illusions (see below for ideas) | https://www.origami-fun.com/origami-for-kids.html Have the children pick and make some origami. |
12:30-1:00 | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge- an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses |
1:00-3:00 Obair acadúil | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile |
3:00-4:00 | Scileanna GAA youtube | Aer úr nó Go noodle | Scileanna GAA youtube | Aer úr nó Go noodle |
Roimh am luí | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte |
Please be careful of pop ups and advertisements on youtube. Children should always be supervised while on youtube.
Scileanna GAA – Tá go leor fís ar youtube agus tá go leor suíomh ann freisin ag múineadh scileanna, mar shampla;
Líníocht; Drawing ideas…
- Seachmall radhairc Optical illusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnZQYXPJnXU
- Seachmall radhairc Optical illusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUkA4ReI0Ho
If the children like the optical illusions, please have them study some of MC Escher’s images you can find these on google.

If you don’t have access to a computer or printer please let me know. If you can’t print Brainteasers out please just read from the computer screen and write the ansers in the maths copy book.
Obair bhaile
Beidh an obair bhaile agus an scrúdú litriú le ceartú ag na tuistí.
Spellbound week 32 revision
Litriú Gaeilge Tá an leabhair bunlitriú críochnaithe acu anois. See attachment with list for the coming weeks. An seachtain seo tá na focail seo le foghlaim; Ní bhrostaíonn sé, an ngortaímid, bailíonn sí, ní chuidíonn siad, Éirim, díom, díot, de, di, dinn, díbh, díobh
Léitheoireacht Gaeilge– Ar an suíomh Foras na Gaeilge tá leabhair séideán sí ar fáil soar an aisce. Seo an leabhair ‘Seo, siúd agus uile’https://www.forasnagaeilge.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/dbf4d52003f4c055d509b420b46390b2-1.pdf
Is leabhair lán le dánta é. Léigh dhá dán gach lá. Má tá tú ag lorg dúshlán… Foghlaim dán nó dhó.
Seo leabhair ‘An nathair agus na spéaclaí’ Léigh an rang é ach b’fhéidir má tá tú ag lorg léitheoireacht breiseadh bheadh sé go deas é a léamh arís https://www.forasnagaeilge.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/1189cad414ed288261e13169a87b7daf-1.pdf
Léitheoireacht Béarla– www.oxfordowl.co.uk simply register as a parent and then select the child’s age and have your child choose an ebook to read. There are also books available on line www.librariesireland.ie
Tionscadal Roghnaigh tionscadal… Ant- Aigéan (the ocean), Titanic nó Súnámaí
Abairtí Gaeilge le scríobh gach lá ag úsáid na litriú ón liosta litriú
Brainteasers Táimid críochnaithe le Work it out anois. www.cjfallon.ie teacher log in user name cherrie.ni.bhroin@gaelscoilcl.com password muinteoircherrie
Go to my favourites. Here you will find Brainteasers click on the eye symbol. Please start on test 17 Data. Do one test a day.
If you find this is too easy for your child try the fourth class book.
Táblaí- Tosaigh ón tús arís.. x5, x6, x7
Tá Seaimpín na dtáblaí críochnaithe anois. www.splashlearn.com cluichí táblaí ar líne
Beidh scrúdú litriú agus táblaí ar an Aoine.
Obair acadúil
If possible I would really like every child to attempt the work in the book ‘Weaving wellbeing’: Pages 22-24 Healthy Body, Happy Mind. Please read the notes for the parents on the parental pull out in the centre of the book.
‘Mata beo’,- lth 113-118 Dhá leathanach gach lá. Roinnt le fuílligh. I will send an e-mail before Tuesday explaining this in English for any parent who is struggling with the Irish in the text book.
If you find that your child is very confident with ‘roinnt agus Fuílligh’ after having them do some of these sums. Have them do some division sums with larger numbers and do some extra maths from the forth class book ‘Master your maths 4’. You will find this under my favourites on the cjfallon site. Same log in information as before.
‘Graiméar le chéile’, leathanach 25 ceist1-10 sa chóipleabhair, 26 ceist 1-10 sa chóipleabhar agus súil siarar leathanach 27. Please adapt this work to suit you child’s ability. For example have them just write the answers rather than the full sentence or do less questions.
‘A way with words’, read the story on page 4 ‘The giggler treatment’ again. Write about Mister Mack using page 42 to help you. Then finish the story using page 43 to help you.
Stair: ‘Stair mórthimpeall orm’, Léigh lth 78 agus 79. Extra optional challenge do one of the activities on the pages.
Tíreolaíocht ‘Timpeal an Domhain’ Léigh lth 108 agus 109 Ithir Optional extra challenge answer the questions on page 109 about the text.
Drámaíocht: play a family board game.
Ceol: An feadóg stáin 10 nóiméad gach lá. They have handouts from the music teacher in school. There are a lot of lessons on you tube teaching the basics. B’fhéidir féach ar WWW.OAIM.IE
Dé Luain | Dé Máirt | Dé Céadaoin | Déardaoin | Dé hAoine | |
09:00-09:30 Spórt | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube |
09:30-09:45 | sos | sos | sos | sos | sos |
09:45-10:45 | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Scrúdú litriú agus táblaí Work it out Friday test |
10:45-11:00 | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr |
11:00-12:00 | RTÉ scoil/ School hub on tv or RTE player. | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil |
12:00-12:30 Dear, déan agus dean turgnamh Design, make and experiment | https://www.science-sparks.com/science-experiments-for-kids/ Try an experiment. Bain triail as turgnamh | Ag péinteáil le salann. Salt painting… see below | https://www.science-sparks.com/science-experiments-for-kids/ Try an experiment. Bain triail as turgnamh | Déan taos súgartha Make your own play dough… see below | https://www.science-sparks.com/science-experiments-for-kids/ Try an experiment. Bain triail as turgnamh |
12:30-1:00 | Lón/Lunch David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge- an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses |
1:00-3:00 Obair acadúil | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile |
3:00-4:00 | Aer úr nó Go noodle | Scileanna GAA youtube | Aer úr nó Go noodle | Scileanna GAA youtube | Aer úr nó Go noodle |
Roimh am luí | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte |
Scileanna GAA ar youtube… Bain triail as iad seo b’fhéidir https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23DubGAASkills
https://www.science-sparks.com/science-experiments-for-kids/ I really liked the check list of ten experiments every child should try. The experiments are explained well and clearly. If you don’t have the items needed there are great videos of the experiments that the children can watch.
Salt Paintings- Sprinkle salt all over your glue painting. Knock the excess salt back into a bowl so you can reuse it. Dip the droppers into liquid watercolors and make drops all over your salt painting. … Watch as the colors travel and blend into each other to make a gorgeous painting.

https://soundcloud.com/forasnagaeilge?fbclid=IwAR0UokvMma4GV2VXiLyPbKvVvCGHbf-ZkljLTzzxBgqHQglHErnbD8eXras Tá na leabhair ar léigh siad liom sa rang le clóisteáil ar seo. Mar shampla ‘An leaba sciathánach’ agus ‘An nathair agus na spéaclaí’.
Cheap mé go raibh leathanach facebook An Gúm go maith agus tá ár múinteoir Aoife féin ar youtube ag léamh cúpla scéal Gaeilge.
Make your own play dough
- 1 cup of flour.
- 1/4 cup of salt.
- 3/4 cup of water.
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
- Food colouring.
- Any seasonings or scents you would like.

https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/ If the children enjoy these audio stories you can join amazon audios for free for a 30 day trial and listen to more of his stories for free. Tá go leor scéalta Gaeilge ar líne freisin.
Obair bhaile
Beidh an obair bhaile agus an scrúdú litriú le ceartú ag na tuistí.
Spellbound week 31
Litriú Gaeilge Tá an leabhair bunlitriú críochnaithe acu anois. See attachment with list for the coming weeks. An seachtain seo tá na focail seo le foghlaim; Fásaim, Fágaimid, Ní fhéachann sí, an bhfanann sibh, Ceannaím, orm, ort, air, uirthi, orainn, oraibh, orthu
Léitheoireacht Gaeilge– ‘Stair mórthimpeall orainn’, Léigh lth 65-69 Banríon na bhfoghlaithe mara.
Léitheoireacht Béarla– www.oxfordowl.co.uk simply register as a parent and then select the child’s age and have your child choose an ebook to read.
Tionscadal bunaithe ar leictreachas roimh an 30ú Aibreáin. Is féidir é a sheoladh chugam nó is féidir é a thabhairt ar scoil tar éis an briseadh.
Abairtí Gaeilge le scríobh gach lá ag úsáid na litriú ón liosta litriú
Work it out– Dul siar… Ar chaill tú amach ar aon lá? Look back through the book and do any days that you might have missed due to illness.
Táblaí- Tosaigh ón tús arís.. x1, x2, x3, x4
Seaimpín na dtáblaí críochnaigh an leabhair. Finish the book.
Beidh scrúdú litriú agus táblaí ar an Aoine.
Obair acadúil
Tá an suíomh www.twinkl.com go hiontach ar fad!
If possible I would really like every child to attempt the work in the book ‘Weaving wellbeing’: Pages 19- 21 Rainbow moments. Please read the notes for the parents on the parental pull out in the centre of the book.
‘Mata beo’,- Seans lth 151-155 leathanach amháin gach lá
Freisin déan dul siar ar na cruthanna 3t. Déan na ceisteanna ón leabhair ‘Mata beo’ lth 148-150 sa chóipleabhair agus féach ar an ceangaltán faoi cruthanna 3t.
Scríobh scéal. 1.Déan ransú smaointe (Brainstorm) 2.Smaoinigh faoi na carachtair agus an suíomh 3.Déan plean don scéal (Féach ar an ceangaltán ‘Ag scríobh scéal’ tá teimpléad chun cabhrú libh scéal a scríobh 4.Scríobh an scéal 5.Léigh siar ar an scéal agus déan ceartúchán más féidir.
Story writing Please see attached creative writing pack. This week I would like the children to work on settings. Create a world using the creative writing pack to help you.
Use the site http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/story-starters/ to help you choose a story to write. I would enjoy reading these stories if you would like to e-mail me a photo of their written work to me. It would be a nice opportunity for the children to improve their typing skills and to use spell check.
Stair: ‘Stair mórthimpeall orm’, Léigh lth 65-69 Banríon na bhfoghlaithe mara. Cum an comhrá agus an argóint idir Gráinne Mhaol agus Fear Ionaid na Banríona nó tarraing pictiúr den ionsaí ar Chaisleán Charraig an Chabhlaigh agus dathaidh é.
Tíreolaíocht ‘Timpeal an Domhain’ lth 116- 117 Beo san Fhásach le léamh. Déan iarracht na fásaigh ar lth 116 a aimsiú ar an léarscáil. Freagair na cleachtaí ar lth 117 i do chóipleabhair Gaeilge.
Drámaíocht: Play the game Charades as a family. There are apps available for the phone/I pad that make charades great fun.
Ceol: An feadóg stáin 10 nóiméad gach lá. They have handouts from the music teacher in school. There are a lot of lessons on you tube teaching the basics. B’fhéidir féach ar WWW.OAIM.IE
Ag Scríobh Scéil
Aidhm – scéal samhlaíoch a inisint, ar bhealach spreagthach/siamsúil.
Teideal: |
Suíomh: Cé? Cén áit? Cathain? |
Ocáid tionscantach: Nasc idir na caraictair agus tús an scéil. |
Fadhb: Cad é an fadhb? |
Conclúid: Réiteach na fadhba |
Seachtain 1
Fásaim, Fágaimid, Ní fhéachann sí, an bhfanann sibh, Ceannaím, orm, ort, air, uirthi, orainn, oraibh, orthu
Seachtain 2
Ní bhrostaíonn sé, an ngortaímid, bailíonn sí, ní chuidíonn siad, Éirim, díom, díot, de, di, dinn, díbh, díobh
Seachtain 3
Aimsir Fháistineach, amárach, dúnfaidh mé, dúnfaimid, ní chasfaidh mé, asam, asat, as, aisti, asainn, asaibh, astu
Seachtain 4
an ngearrfaidh tú, brisfidh sí, féachfaidhsibh, ní fhásfaidh tú, an bhfágfaidh mé, liom, leat, leis, léi, linn, libh, leo.
Seachtain 5
Brostóidh mé, brostóidh sibh, brostóidh siad, baileoidh mé, baileoidh siad, ní bhaileoidh tú, an capall, na capaill, an bhróg, na bróga, an gearrcach, na gcearrcaigh
Seachtain 6
an gcuideoidh sibh, éireoidh mé, imeoimid, ní éireoidh, an impeoidh sé, an mbaileoidh sí, ar clé, ag bun, ar dheis, idir, bun an chrainn, barr an chnoic.