Here is a translation of some of the Irish words from the power points (above) attached to the e-mail dated 18-5-20
Domhantarraingt- Gravity
Foluain- hovering
Eolaí- scientist
Ag macnamh- thinking
Meáchan- weight
Teoiric- theory
Tráidire- tray
Laghdaigh- Reduce
Athúsáid- reuse
Athchúrsáil- recycle
Dramhaíl- refuse
Líonadh talún- landfill
Láithreán- site
Gintear- release
Gáis nimhniúla- poisonous gas
Mealann- attract
Francaigh- rats
Míolra- vermin
Táirgí- products
Carthanais- charity
Cadhnraí- batteries
In-athluchtaithe- re chargeable
breoslaí iontaise- fosil fuels
aolchloch- limestone
A chairde,
I hope that this e-mail finds you well! Please don’t feel any pressure to complete all of the work. If you are struggling to finish the work, below are suggested topics to prioritise. If you would like extra work, please send me an e-mail requesting it. I have attached some audios this week I hope that they help. I find the web site very helpful if there is an Irish word that I don’t understand or can’t spell. It is a very helpful online Irish dictionary.
Seo liosta den laghad oibre gur chóir daoibh a dhéanamh, más féidir.
Please don’t hesitate in contacting me if your circumstances mean that this isn’t possible.
- Weaving well-being
- Léitheoireacht Gaeilge agus Béarla gach lá
- Táblaí gach lá
- Brainteasers daily
- Scríbhneoireacht Béarla nó Gaeilge fiú cúpla line más féidir cúpla uair gach seachtain. Write something, a couple of times each week even just a few sentences. It could be a diary entry, news, sentences with the spellings, a letter to a loved one.
- Exercise daily
Seo an obair don seachtain.
Please only
do what you and your child can. There is no pressure from me or from the school
to complete everything. Your child’s well- being is what is most important (And
your own ) So please only take
from this what you want. The children will be fine. This is only temporary, and
we will get back on track quickly when we return to school.
Dé Lauin | Dé Máirt | Dé Céadaoin | Déardaoin | Dé hAoine | |
09:00-09:30 Spórt | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube |
09:30-09:45 | Sos | sos | sos | sos | sos |
09:45-10:45 | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Scrúdú litriú agus táblaí |
10:45-11:00 | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr |
11:00-12:00 | RTÉ scoil/ TG4scoil | RTÉ scoil/tg4 scoil | RTÉ scoil/tg4scoil | RTÉ scoil/tg4scoil | RTÉ scoil/tg4scoil |
12:00-12:30 Dear, déan agus déan turgnamh Design, make and experiment | Foot drawings: Are you able to write your name with your foot or draw a house?? | Plant a seed: Take a lentil or chickpea and plant it in some wet cotton and watch it grow. | Treasure map: Hide an object and then draw a treasure map of your house, marking the spot with an x. Who can find it first? | Create bookmarks: with paper, cardboard, stickers, magazine cut-outs and design your best bookmarks. | Family tree: Outline your own family tree, see how far back you can go. |
12:30-1:00 | Lón David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge- an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses | Lón Éist le scéal i nGaeilge an Gúm | Lón David Walliams elevenses |
1:00-3:00 Obair acadúil | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile | Obair scoile |
3:00-4:00 | Aer úr/ Go noodle | Spider’s web; Turn your house into a spider’s web using wool. Time each person going through the house from start to finish without touching the wool. | Aer úr nó Go noodle | Equilibrist: with a ribbon/ wool, walk over it as if it were a tightrope walker’s cable. It is not as easy as it looks. | Aer úr nó Go noodle |
Roimh am luí | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte |
If you don’t have access to a computer or printer please let me know. If you can’t print Brainteasers out please just read from the computer screen and write the ansers in the maths copy book.
Obair bhaile
Beidh an obair bhaile agus an scrúdú litriú le ceartú ag na tuistí.
Spellbound week 34 revision
Litriú Gaeilge Tá an leabhair bunlitriú críochnaithe acu anois. See attachment with list for the coming weeks. An seachtain seo tá na focail seo le foghlaim; an ngearrfaidh tú, brisfidh sí, féachfaidhsibh, ní fhásfaidh tú, an bhfágfaidh mé, liom, leat, leis, léi, linn, libh, leo.
Léitheoireacht Gaeilge- Léigh sliocht as na leabhar seo: Is mise Manchán Maximus agus Pádraigín Phléascach Raic agus Ribíní
Or read one of the power points attached.
Léitheoireacht Béarla– simply register as a parent and then select the child’s age and have your child choose an ebook to read. There are also books available on line
Tionscadal Roghnaigh tionscadal… An t-Aigéan (the ocean), Titanic nó Súnámaí
Abairtí Gaeilge le scríobh gach lá ag úsáid na litriú ón liosta litriú
Brainteasers teacher log in user name password muinteoircherrie
Go to my favourites. Here you will find Brainteasers click on the eye symbol. Test 24,25,26 agus 27. Do one test a day.
If you find this is too easy for your child try the fourth class book.
Táblaí- x11 agus x12
The maths factor with Carol Vorderman
Beidh scrúdú litriú agus táblaí ar an Aoine.
Obair acadúil
If possible I would really like every child to attempt the work in the book ‘Weaving wellbeing’: Pages 28, 29 agus 30 Lesson 10.
Mata: Mata le chéile
If this link doesn’t work for you google foras na Gaeilge an Gum on the left side of the web site click on Mata le chéile.
Caibidil a naoi ,An t-Am. There are 21 pages in this chapter we will break it up and do it over the next two weeks. Déan leathanach 107-118.
‘Suas liom’, ‘An Chuaichín’, Léigh an dán. Léigh leathanach 109. Léigh an scéal ‘Ricí agus an tIasc’ agus freagair na ceisteanna 1-6. Má tá tú ag lorg dúshlan dean leathanach 111.
Keep a diary; Write down what you have done every day this week. It may not seem like it now, but it will become very special with time.
Drámaíocht: Stranger for dinner: Have dinner with the family but pretend that you do not know each other. What would you say to each other, how will you introduce yourself?
Ceol: An feadóg stáin 10 nóiméad gach lá. They have handouts from the music teacher in school. There are a lot of lessons on you tube teaching the basics. B’fhéidir féach ar WWW.OAIM.IE
Tír eolas/ Eolaíocht agus Stair If this link does not work go to suíomh Foras na Gaeilge- An Gum click on Féach thart 4 on the left side of the page. You can then pick science, geography or history. There are lots of interesting Power point presentations. I have attached one on gravity and the environment. But please feel free to read more.
Is mise le meas,
Cherrie Donnino.