Dia Dhaoibh ar fad! Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh ar fad go maith agus ag tabhairt aire dá chéile. Tá sibh ar fad ag obair go dian. Má fhéachann tú ar Home School Hub ar an teilifís, feicfidh tú go mbeidh Lá Spóirt acu ar an Aoine. Bainigí spraoi as!
Glacfaimid sos an chéad seachtain i Mí an Mheithimh.
Multiple choice quiz Human bingo -Research Discussion cards
- Spellbound: It’s the final week! Week 36 General Revision
- Bunlitriú: Seachtain a 10 agus a 11. Roghnaigh 3 fhocal gach lá agus cuir in abairti iad.
- Work It Out: Friday Tests 15 – 19
- Peannaireacht: mend, mime, name, needle, notion.
- Feena’s Book of Facts: Pages 51 – 55 The Sun; Our Solar System; The Moon.
- Gafa le Mata:
- Lch 152,153,154: These pages revise renaming before subtracting. The third page is a reminder that we only rename if we can’t subtract the units
- Lch 155: There is a 100 square on lch a 37 if a visual aid is needed to subtract the tens in Ceist a 1. The rest of the page is empbasising the importance of reading the symbols – addition / subtraction
- Lch 156: Súil siar tapa
- Ag Léamh le Múinteoir Aogán
- Diarmaid an Dragún: Daidí na Nollag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ev8hNuW5ww&feature=emb_title
- Sailí na Spotaí Cuid a 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIXDWodoDvI&feature=emb_title
- Sailí na Spotaí Cuid a 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0y6yxWK9P8&feature=emb_title
- Ná Lig Dóibh Éalú https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1fymuUaKYk&feature=emb_title
- Murach an Traenáil ar Fad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQVMHsXhT1Y&feature=emb_title
Mar is eol daoibh, tá siad seo ar fáil ar shuíomh na scoile freisin.
- Ag Obair Liom:
- Lch 49, 50 Contrárthachtaí (Opposites)
- Lch a 51: Léigh an scéal os ard. Tá níos mó ná 30 focail ann ina bhfuil ‘-ón’ iontu. An féidir leat iad a aimsiú?
- Lch 52: Focail eile ina bhfuil ‘-ón’ iontu.
- English Worksheets: Do these after reading Feena’s Book of Facts
- Multiple Choice Quiz: Choose the correct answer.
- Human Bingo: These answers could be researched rather than asking someone
- Discussion Cards: Fill in the answers in each box. You will have to write the answers to Number 4 neatly!
- Skills Book
- Pupils don’t have the reader at home with them. These sentences are taken from the story when the group went to the cinema.
- Phonics: The two sounds that ‘oo’ makes; the ‘ew’ sound
- Weaving Wellbeing: Lesson 9 pages 25 – 29
- An tAifreann: Ullmhú na nOfrálacha
- RTÉ Home School Hub: Beidh siad ag déanamh Lá Spóirt sa Bhaile ar an Aoine!