Siopa ag Peadar Peannaireacht Rúairí Rúairí a i mbun an mhata

Dia dhaoibh! Tá súil agam go bhfuil gach duine go maith agus gur bhain sibh taitneamh as an aimsir álainn. Léigh mé seo i rith na seachtaine:
‘Working, parenting,and teaching are three different jobs that cannot be done at the same time. It’s not hard because you’re doing it wrong. It’s hard because it’s too much. Do the best you can’ Emily W King Ph.D, Child Psychologist.
Mar sin, ní feidir linn ach ár ndícheall a dhéanamh. Bain súp as an dea-aimsir freisin!
Beidh ‘scoil’ ar TG4 dóibh siúd atá ag freastal ar scoil sa Ghaeltacht nó ar Ghaelscoil. Cúla4 ar Scoil an t-ainm atá ar an gclár agus beidh sé ag tosnú ar an Luan ar a 10 a chlog ar maidin
Má tá deacracht ag éinne leis an Taisceadán Todhcaí a oscailt, cuirfidh mé chugaibh i bhfoirm PDF é.
Obair bhaile : Luan go Aoine
Chapter 3 | What lesson was it after Art? What did they find that was all pink? What left a thick pink slug trail? What did the class complain about? Why was Bill “spoiling people’s paintings”? |
Chapter 4 | Why did everyone looked up enviously at Bill? What favour did Bill do for the headmaster? What was Bill’s problem with pockets? What happened when Bill tried to walk down the corridor towards the office? What happened when Mrs Bandaraina said “sweet little frock”? |
We are living in historic times and there are a few suggestions here to help the children keep a record of these. These are downloadable suggestions and each one contains quite a lot of pages so only print off the ones you think you and your children will enjoy.
An Isolation Activity book designed by a teacher.
All of the above have some great pages and a variety of activities. Pick and choose as you look through them
Liotúirge an Bhriathair:
Léitheoir: Briathar an Tiarna
Pobal: Buíochas le Dia.
(Roimh an Soiscéal)
Sagart: Go raibh an Tiarna libh
Pobal:Agus le do Spiorad féin
Sagart: Sliocht as an Soiscéal naofa
Pobal: Glóir duit a Thiarna
(Ag deireadh an tSoiscéil)
Sagart: Soiscéal an Tiarna
Pobal :Moladh duit a Chríost
Tugaigí aire daoibh féin. Seol ríomhphost chugam le ceist ar bith. Also please let me know if you think I should concentrate on a particular area. Le gach deaghui,
Seachtain ag tosnú ar 6ú Aibreáin
Dia dhaoibh go léir. Bímse ag smaoineamh oraibh gach lá agus tá súil agam go bhfuil cúrsaí go maith.
I had some feedback from parents during the week, all of it very helpful. Please do not worry about getting work done. You have your own work to do and, usually, more than one child to look after – nobody can multitask to that extent. The accompanying list is to help you at home, not to add to your stress.
I have been looking at the RTÉ school hub each day and I think the bulk of the activities (bar the Senior Maths on Thursday) could be done by the children. Worksheets can be downloaded each day at www. which revise what has been done. What I like about these lessons is that they cover History, Geography and Science – all interesting in their own right. If you can’t download them let me know and I will forward them to you. As far as I can see they cannot be downloaded beforehand.
Ár gcuid oibre féin:
Chapter 1 | What happened to Bill on Monday? Why was Bill’s Dad in a rush? What did he say to Bill as he kissed him on cheek? Who was whistling at Bill? Why did Astrid complain? What was Mrs Collins like about neat work? |
Chapter 2 | Why did Bill decide not to play football? How did Bill get knocked to the ground? What happened when Bill tried to borrow the ball? What area of the playground did the girls have to play on? What did Martin give Bill? |
Keep re-reading and read up to leathanach a 11. What we want to do here is maintain fluency of reading. Try to add an extra page each day for 4 days.
The above list is what I would really like you to try to do. If you get that much done and the children watch the School Hub you all will have accomplished a lot! Remember to add some physical activity – you can get ideas from last week’s list of gníomhaíochtaí. The children all enjoyed colouring the mandalas in school during the year so some of those can be printed off for ‘Am Suaimhneach’.
Photographs of accomplishments can be sent to me and Múinteoir Áogán will put them on the school website : Have a look and see who is there already! They don’t have to be connected to schoolwork. Show everyone what you are doing at home ….photos of children only with parental permission.
Obair bhreise – má oireann
S | a | h | a | r | a | b | b | s | E |
a | o | a | s | i | s | u | u | p | q |
m | g | e | i | n | g | r | s | i | u |
h | r | a | d | e | r | r | e | k | a |
S | a | j | e | r | b | o | a | e | t |
a | s | o | w | o | s | w | l | s | o |
h | s | l | i | z | a | r | d | p | r |
i | e | o | n | o | m | a | d | l | c |
r | s | w | d | a | b | c | d | a | a |
a | n | p | e | n | g | u | i | n | c |
s | c | r | r | a | b | c | c | t | t |
i | a | e | m | o | s | s | e | s | u |
d | c | d | o | t | e | r | r | o | s |
e | t | a | t | c | a | m | e | l | w |
A | n | t | a | r | c | t | i | c | a |
n | c | o | n | t | i | n | e | n | t |
t | a | r | a | d | a | t | o | r | m |
Find these words: Sahara nomad oasis camel cactus Equator sidewinder jerboa
predator lizard Antarctica penguin seal burrow spikes continent plants mosses ice grasses
Cad is ainm don pháiste? Cé’n aois a bhí aige? Nó aici? An raibh deartháir nó deirfiúr aige/aici? An raibh éinne le súgradh leis / léi? Scriobh cad a tharla don pháiste seo.
Go n-éirí libh ar fad an tseachtain seo agus tá súil agam go bhfanfaidh sibh ar fad slán. If I can be of any help email me and I will do whatever I can.
Bainigí sult as na huibheacha Cásca!
Slan go fóill, le gach deaghuí,
Seachtain 29ú Márta go 2a Aibreáin
Nóta beag do thuistí:
Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh ar fad go maith ag an tráth seo. Táim chun é seo a scríobh as Béarla ar fhaitíos na míthuisceana. Email me if you have questions. I’ll check my email each morning around 11 a.m. – any feedback is welcome! Written Irish work in Obair Ranga copybook and any English writing can be done in the Free Writing copybook.
Le gach dea ghuí, Eibhlín
Cé leis an madra? Cad is ainm don mhadra? Cad a rinne sé a bhí dána? Cé’n deireadh a bhí leis an scéal? ( Obair Ranga)
The fruit stall sells ________________________________________________
My friends are called_____________________________
When it rains I wear_______________________
My favourite games are _______________________________
In the zoo we saw__________________________________
Féach ar Ord an Aifrinn. Cleachtaigh Paidir A: Admhaím do Dhia uilechumhachtach