Meán Fómhair 2020
Seachtain 2
Litriú Béarla agus Gaeilge.

Litriú Béarla agus Gaeilge.
Dé Luain | Dé Máirt | Dé Céadaoin | Déardaoin | Dé hAoine | |
09:00-09:30 Spórt | P.E with Joe youetube* | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube | P.E with Joe youetube |
09:30-09:45 | sos | sos | sos | sos | sos |
09:45-10:45 | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Obair bhaile | Scrúdú litriú agus táblaí Work it out Friday test |
10:45-11:00 | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr | Aer úr |
11:00-12:00 | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil | RTÉ scoil |
12:00-12:30 Obair cruthaitheach | Brat do na laochra…Flags for frontline heros Croch brat. Déan fógra agus croch é san fhuinneog. Ba bhreá liom grianghraf díobh seo. I nGaeilge más féidir 😊 | Eilifint as crúiscín bainne | Féach ar samplaí de obair Harry Clarke ag úsáid google | Ealaíon don Cháisc- Gloine dhaite | Ealaíon don Cháisc- dathú |
12:30-1:00 | Lón/Lunch | Lón | Lón | Lón | Lón |
1:00-3:00 Obair acadúil | Leabhar oibre | Leabhar oibre | Leabhar oibre | Leabhar oibre | Leabhar oibre |
3:00-4:00 | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Aer úr nó Yoga le Ciarán | Air úr nó Yoga le Ciarán |
4:00-4:10 Ceol | Amhráin ar youtube- Coláiste Lurgan | Dabbledoomusic | Amhráin ar youtube- Coláiste Lurgan | Dabbledoomusic | Amhráin ar youtube- Coláiste Lurgan |
4:10-5:00 Obair acadúil ar líne | Obair acadúil ar líne | Obair acadúil ar líne | Obair acadúil ar líne | Obair acadúil ar líne | Obair acadúil ar líne |
Roimh am luí | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte | Léitheoireacht beirte |
B’fheidir gur mhaith libh obair ealaíne eile? Féach ar an nasc seo faoi Harry Clarke
Yoga le Ciarán
Obair bhaile
Beidh an obair bhaile agus an scrúdú litriú le ceartú ag na tuistí. Beidh an tionscadal ar leictreachas le tabhairt ar scoil nuair atá muid ar ais ar scoil arís.
Spellbound week 29
Bunlitriú seachtain 29
Léitheoireacht Gaeilge– Dé Luain- Dé Céadaoin ‘An Stair Mórthimpeall orm’ Léigh lth 52-54 Forbairtí Leighis. Déardaoin agus Aoine lth 55-57 Abair m’Ainm, abair m’Ainm.
Léitheoireacht Béarla– simply register as a parent and then select the child’s age and have your child choose an ebook to read.
‘A way with words’ page 28 Mr Nobody. Think and talk page 29 Talk about the poem with your child, use the questions 1-10 on page 29 to discuss the poem. They don’t have to write the answers to these questions.
Tionscadal bunaithe ar leictreachas roimh an 30ú Aibreáin. Is féidir é a sheoladh chugam nó is féidir é a thabhairt ar scoil tar éis an briseadh. Please watch the lesson on electricity that is on the school hub on RTÉ player from Tuesday if you didn’t watch it if this is possible.
Abairtí Gaeilge le scríobh gach lá ag úsáid na litriú ó ‘Bunlitriú’.
Work it out– week 29 agus an Friday test ar an Aoine.
Táblaí- roinnt/division 6, 7 agus 8
Beidh scrúdú litriú agus táblaí ar an Aoine.
Obair acadúil sna leabhair oibre
Is féidir libh an obair mata a ceartú, ach gach rud eile tá mé lán sásta é a ceartú má sheolann tú é dom mar ríomhphoist. It might be best if you correct the maths yourself as it might be difficult to email the maths work. I can correct everything else by e-mail.
Mata: Dé Luain agus Dé Máirt Cúpla smaoineamh ar Instagram ag ‘Irish primaryteacher’ faoi conas toilleadh a mhúineadh sa bhaile. ‘Mata beo’ lth 144 agus 145 Toilleadh. Féachaimis siar lth 156, 157 agus 158 Dé Céadaoin- Dé hAoine. There are a wide range of abilities in the class so please do what you can. We will revise everything when we start back at school.
Last week I suggested looking at this video on Instagram the Irishprimaryteacher’s post about using everyday household items to revise shape, capacity, weight, money etc.
Gaeilge: Dé Luain- scríobh litir do Charlie a bhí i rang a dó leo.
Dé Máirt- Freagair na ceisteanna 1-4 sa bhosca buí ar lth 53, sa leabhair ‘An stair mórthimpeall orainn’.
Dé Céadaoin- ‘An staor mór thimpeall orainn’, Scríobh alt sa chóipleabhair bunaithe ar an mbosca buí ar lth 54
Déardaoin- ‘Suas liom’, Colm an rógaire lth 80 léigh an scéal atá scríofa sa aimsir láithreach. Freagair na ceisteanna 1-6 ar lth 80 i do chóipleabhair.
Dé hAoine lth 81 Léigh an scéal agus scríobh an scéal arís san Aimsir Láithreach. Tá na freagraí ar lth 80.
Béarla: Please see attached creative writing pack. Do the activities on time travel and any other activities that you would like to try.
Eolaíocht: Tionscadal ar Leictreachas
Stair: nasc leis an gceacht Gaeilge
Tír eolas: ‘Timpeall an Domhain’ lth 38 Daoine ag Obair. Bí ag caint faoi na daoine go léir atá ag cabhrú linn faoi láthair Mar shampla am banaltra, dochtúir, siopadóir… Déan nasc idir é seo agus an obair ealaíne Poster for heros on the front line.
Weaving wellbeing: Pages 13, 14 and 15. A Feel-good-flow is an activity that requires a skill or poses a challenge. For example; playing football, baking, making up a new dance…
You can read about this lesson in the sheet with the title after page 16 called ‘Parental pull out’.
I have STEM projects that I can send to you if you are looking for additional work.
Religiún: Scéal na Cásca. Tá go leor fís ar you tube faoi seo. Déan comic strip de scéal na Cásca.
Seachtain ag tosnú ar 6ú Aibreáin
Dia dhaoibh go léir. Bímse ag smaoineamh oraibh gach lá agus tá súil agam go bhfuil cúrsaí go maith.
I had some feedback from parents during the week, all of it very helpful. Please do not worry about getting work done. You have your own work to do and, usually, more than one child to look after – nobody can multitask to that extent. The accompanying list is to help you at home, not to add to your stress.
I have been looking at the RTÉ school hub each day and I think the bulk of the activities (bar the Senior Maths on Thursday) could be done by the children. Worksheets can be downloaded each day at www. which revise what has been done. What I like about these lessons is that they cover History, Geography and Science – all interesting in their own right. If you can’t download them let me know and I will forward them to you. As far as I can see they cannot be downloaded beforehand.
Ár gcuid oibre féin:
Chapter 1 | What happened to Bill on Monday? Why was Bill’s Dad in a rush? What did he say to Bill as he kissed him on cheek? Who was whistling at Bill? Why did Astrid complain? What was Mrs Collins like about neat work? |
Chapter 2 | Why did Bill decide not to play football? How did Bill get knocked to the ground? What happened when Bill tried to borrow the ball? What area of the playground did the girls have to play on? What did Martin give Bill? |
Keep re-reading and read up to leathanach a 11. What we want to do here is maintain fluency of reading. Try to add an extra page each day for 4 days.
The above list is what I would really like you to try to do. If you get that much done and the children watch the School Hub you all will have accomplished a lot! Remember to add some physical activity – you can get ideas from last week’s list of gníomhaíochtaí. The children all enjoyed colouring the mandalas in school during the year so some of those can be printed off for ‘Am Suaimhneach’.
Photographs of accomplishments can be sent to me and Múinteoir Áogán will put them on the school website : Have a look and see who is there already! They don’t have to be connected to schoolwork. Show everyone what you are doing at home ….photos of children only with parental permission.
Obair bhreise – má oireann
S | a | h | a | r | a | b | b | s | E |
a | o | a | s | i | s | u | u | p | q |
m | g | e | i | n | g | r | s | i | u |
h | r | a | d | e | r | r | e | k | a |
S | a | j | e | r | b | o | a | e | t |
a | s | o | w | o | s | w | l | s | o |
h | s | l | i | z | a | r | d | p | r |
i | e | o | n | o | m | a | d | l | c |
r | s | w | d | a | b | c | d | a | a |
a | n | p | e | n | g | u | i | n | c |
s | c | r | r | a | b | c | c | t | t |
i | a | e | m | o | s | s | e | s | u |
d | c | d | o | t | e | r | r | o | s |
e | t | a | t | c | a | m | e | l | w |
A | n | t | a | r | c | t | i | c | a |
n | c | o | n | t | i | n | e | n | t |
t | a | r | a | d | a | t | o | r | m |
Find these words: Sahara nomad oasis camel cactus Equator sidewinder jerboa
predator lizard Antarctica penguin seal burrow spikes continent plants mosses ice grasses
Cad is ainm don pháiste? Cé’n aois a bhí aige? Nó aici? An raibh deartháir nó deirfiúr aige/aici? An raibh éinne le súgradh leis / léi? Scriobh cad a tharla don pháiste seo.
Go n-éirí libh ar fad an tseachtain seo agus tá súil agam go bhfanfaidh sibh ar fad slán. If I can be of any help email me and I will do whatever I can.
Bainigí sult as na huibheacha Cásca!
Slan go fóill, le gach deaghuí,
Is fiú go mór sos ón obair bhaile a thógaint go minic i rith an lae agus tabhairt faoi ghníomhartha suimiúla. Beimid ag iarraidh moltaí, comhairlí agus tuairimí a chur ar fáil ar an leathanach seo.
So chugaibh roinnt físeáin ó YouTube chun an corp agus na méara a chur ag obair.